Friday, July 9, 2010

car troubles that lead to Dave Ramsey

Today I had to take my car to get looked at because it was making a funny noise, turns out my flex pipe that is connected to the catalytic converter has a crack in it. (yes, i did have to go to multiple shops and say that sounding like I knew what I was talking about) Going through this, I got extremely stressed out about money. If you know me, you know I worry ALL THE TIME!!! So I text Patrick telling him how worried I was and how come every time we seem to be a little ahead financially with money and savings and things paid off, something HAS to go wrong and take all of our money out of our savings causing us to start over again :( isn't it frustrating the things God gives you and says...."trust me." It is so hard to do that (as a worrier) when every time things are going good, it gets turned back around and slaps you in the face!

With all that said, I really got to thinking and we are doing Dave Ramsey. Probably not to the full extent but we are going to start "attempting" the whole process. If any of you have done FPU, please let me know if you have any tips or thoughts on his whole mentality.

Thanks! Hope you have an awesome day!!!!


  1. I FEEL YOU 100% as a fellow worrier and fellow FPU participant. Let's go to lunch and talk it out.

  2. YES! i need guidance in FPU! although i don't think patrick will be very good at it!!! when do you want to have lunch? i can't this week....are we doing pool time tuesday? i don't know if i can do that either :(

  3. I did the classes. I think the people that have the most success join a group for support. I loved it. I think you will be stress-free after. :)
