Thursday, June 17, 2010

I knew I shouldn't have ever started this blog TERRIBLE at it.

Well....Hatley is 7 weeks old now! She has changed so much! She consistently holds her head up, laughs, smiles and coo's! She is becoming such a fun little person to be around. She sleeps through the night every night now and it makes my life so much better! When you are sleep deprived, your mind gets crazy!! I know I said some crazy things to patrick when I was awake in the middle of the night with a screaming baby!

Sunday is Patrick's FIRST fathers day and I am so proud of him for the father/husband that he has become. Hatley is also getting dedicated on his first fathers day! It will be an exciting day for both of those reasons!!

If I ever learn how to post pictures, I will post some :) for now...SEE YA!


  1. yeah for sleeping babies! they are the best!

  2. so sweet! i will cry on Sunday knowing what's going on for you guys. that's so special. ps, hi hatley! i get to hold you tuesday!

  3. So I don't see a future as a famous mommy blogger for you, but I love the occasional updates. :)
